Sesuai dengan ke-tidak-jelasan judul postingan ini, entah atas dasar apa saya bisa sempet-sempetnya posting di blog ini lagi. Setelah hampir dua tahun semenjak musim hujan di tahun 2012 semangat untuk mencurahkan segala daya upaya dalam mencurahkan pikiran ke dalam tulisan rasanya luntur begitu saja, bukan karena tahun itu merupakan salah satu tahun mencekam menurut para tukang ramal, tapi mungkin karena atas dasar lain yang saya tidak tahu sebenarnya apa. Sebenernya bukan tanpa alasan sehingga saya seperti orang yang merasa iba kepada seonggok blog yang sudah terlampau lama tidak diurus. Menurut asumsi saya ini memang dari pekerjaanlah yang secara tidak langsung menuntun saya kembali kepada keadaan di masa yang telah lalu, di mana blogging merupakan salah satu aktifitas olahraga yang biasa saya lakukan. Terdengar tidak jelas memang, namun dari aktifitas olahraga jari dan pikiran yang pernah saya geluti tersebut, beberapa tahun kemudian saya menjadi orang yang seperti ini adanya, yang secara kebetulan menjadi salah tukang tulis di sebuah website blog di Cukup panjang memang proses yang mengantarkan saya kepada pekerjaan yang masih tergolong asing bagi sebagian orang ini, yang kalau diceritakan pasti tidak begitu panjang sebenarnya, hanya saja memang akan melelahkan kalau diketik semuanya.
Showing posts with label store-why. Show all posts
Showing posts with label store-why. Show all posts
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Saturday, February 2, 2013
temporary nervous breakdown
Life is hard now, as hard as no life. Even the live-strong dude who won 7 times stroking pedals looked lame now. Yeah, life is stupid and hard. Enjoying life, that's what people always shout to indoctrinate themselves, I think that's just the same with do not care any of thing, everything by doing something to forget that life is never heavenly since the first man exiled to this damned world. Talking about life further, every life has an ending, that is so sad, so I am not going to talk about it because a matter of personal belief that I cannot fool the death like a cat. Every simple and little thing happening to this life is just like HIV, deadly even start with a little fun thing. In the beginning of a day I supposed to think about something just OK, but yeah it was OK, till god do a typo, KO. Ah, life is like a gambling, lose little or win big. (badum czzz)
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
This is *itch
A sensation which no one can deny, just almost the same with what some people call it as LOVE, but just have different spot in crush, sensation where an uncomfortable sensation or condition that causes a desire to scratch the skin happen. Yeah, this is itch. I dunno how to start to talk about this sensation, because the only
thing I want to do now is just scratch, just please somebody scratch my hairy legs!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Fell down into the same situation
Like a donkey, or may be like a monkey..... As always, this morning I went to the Campus and unfortunately just repeating the same situation as yesterday. Try to find out about whos fault it is, try to be logic- it just unlucky and the information wasn't spreading angrily, and almost covered by EUPHORIA of first turn in the third year-er. OR it is just caused by the number 13? today just really really like this, but rationally the lecturer is sick, in this context mean -being unhealthy. Hope he get well soon....
Sunday, September 11, 2011
A rotten begining
This is just a begining, and then tomorrow will also become a begining. Commonly, a begining is something that always related to something brand new, fresh from the oven, first page to write down, a new menu, and some other. In other case, a rare one, not medium, a new begining can be so confusing, all because a begining is something terrible rather than becoming a great feeling.
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