Monday, September 12, 2011

Another rotten day, moan-day, Insecti-stamp victim, ass OFF

Some said that the day is always stated by Monday, when I was a kid even my teacher teach me to sing it started from Monday, and its freaking me out that time till now. And some other said that it is started by Sunday, even the Calendar, internationally placed Sunday on the first, really trying to cheer every people up but unsuccessful, because the days in the middle are felt the same, and even worst. hha

Actually it doesn't really matter how the day are arranged, the most important thing is just that doomsday is still far away, the most optimistic word to shout in a Monday/Moan-day morning like today,//then  just take my life from negative to positive, I just want to know that//Pitbull. 

rotten caterpillar

So, in an optimistic way today I just start the day by killing green(not yellow) caterpillars, which was gnawing on one of my plant, a tomato tree. How did I kill them? I stamp on them, and kill one of them using insecticide. Looks useless in the end, it’s all because I don’t know that my mother had the insecticide, and she just told me after I stamp on them. What a pathetic ending.

tomato tree

But this rotten thing does not just end up like that, may be the spirit from those caterpillar just took a revenge on me. I went to the college, unfortunately no CLASS//clash, no one told me, my bad; I didn’t ask, and at there I just got bunch of new movies from my friends. I love it but actually not only this that I wanted, yeah I swear, feeling like lying to my mother, going to campus and did not get what actually I had to get,……. The situation is just sat down, copying some movies, turn on the Wi-Fi, in a slow connection, My ass OFF.//

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